




我們的浪漫電影| *TomorrowXTogether-Surfing in the Moonlight 漫遊月光下/멜로무비| 투모로우바이투게더-Surfing in the Moonlight

詞:Ruiz  曲:TOYO,Ruiz


Say a little quotation  先來點序言

Be happy for a little while  就開心一下下 


Never knew this equation  從沒搞懂這程式 

To figure out what's on my mind  是怎麼算出我腦子裡的想法 


I love cheap champagne with your long,tight dress  我偏愛廉價香檳與你的長版緊身洋裝 

Go on a long-ass trip in your broke-down van  開著你的破舊小貨車來趟超長旅行 

We're driving miles on miles  我們沒完沒了的開了一路 

to nowhere land  終於去到一處鳥不生蛋的荒地 

You can't separate from me  你離不了我 


Under the moon  在月下 

Where our love is coming into bloom  我們的愛情眼看就要進入蜜月期 

Forever in tune  彼此怎樣都合拍 

Hold on,hold on to me  要堅持下去 抓緊我吧 


You know that I don't need a lot of attention  你明白我無需太多關注

but I want it from you  只需要你一人的 

We'll take our smartphone screens as our own guide  我們可以用智慧手機導航 

You draw me right into this world  就像你將我劃入你的世界 


Under the moon  在月下

Where love blooms  愛正綻放

Forever in tune  彼此怎樣都合拍   

Hold on hold on a little longer  要堅持得再久一點 


Stay in your location  就待在原地別動 

I'll sing your favorite lullabies  我會為你哼唱你最愛的搖籃曲 


Driving into the moonlight  駛向月光 

Enchant me like a firefly  像螢火蟲般讓我著迷 

I love cheap champagne with your long,tight dress  我偏愛廉價香檳與你的長版緊身洋裝 

Go on a long-ass trip in your broke-down van  開著你的破舊小貨車來趟超長旅行

We're driving miles on miles  我們沒完沒了的開了一路 

to nowhere land  終於去到一處鳥不生蛋的荒地 

I can't separate from you  我也離不了你 


You know that I don't need a lot of attention  你明白我無需太多關注

but I want it from you  只需要你一人的 

We'll take our smartphone screens as our own guide  我們可以用智慧手機導航

You draw me right into this world  就像你將我劃入你的世界 


I don't even really understand  我其實不太懂 

Losing me in you over again  總是在你眼中迷失我自己 

but every time I think I've reached the end  可每當我以為已經達陣 

oh love  唉 可愛情啊 

Let's go  還是重新出發吧 


You know that I don't need a lot of attention  你明白我無需太多關注 

but I want it from you  只需要你一人的 

We'll take our smartphone screens as our own guide  我們可以用智慧手機導航 

You draw me right into this world  就像你將我劃入你的世界


Under the moon  在月下

Where love blooms  愛正綻放   

Forever in tune  彼此怎樣都合拍 

Hold on hold on a little longer  要堅持得再久一點 





TomorrowXTogether-Surfing in the Moonlight 漫遊月光下  影片來源:Youtube(Genie Music Corporation)























    創作者 老繭 的頭像


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