



*夜限照相館| Lee SeungEun-Superstitions 盲目/야한 사진관| 이성은-Superstitions

詞:李承恩,Joy Yang,SNNNY 이성은,조이양  曲:SNNNY



I had nothing to lose  我沒什麼可失去的 

Everyday was the same  每天周而復始 

Running in a circles  在同一個圈子裡打轉 

for a losing game  只為了一場必敗之戰  


Sometimes there's no meaning  有時覺得毫無意義 

Life goes the way it came  人生有它自己的方式來去

And we're just caught in the middle  我們卻只能左右為難 

There's no one to blame  而沒法責怪任何人 


Held by superstitions  被盲目信仰支配著 

I tried clinging to your soul  我試圖緊靠住你的靈魂 

But only letting go can bring back  卻只有放手才能挽回一切 

What's missing what's missing  是缺了什麼 究竟是缺了什麼 

What's missing what's missing you know  是缺了什麼 到底是缺了什麼 只有你知道


da la~ 

Only letting go can bring back  只有放手才能挽回一切 

What's missing what's missing  是缺了什麼 究竟是缺了什麼 

What's missing what's missing you know  是缺了什麼 到底是缺了什麼 只有你知道 


I couldn't handle the truth  我掌控不了真相 

That I did it all for nothing  雖傾盡全力卻一無所獲 

All my wishes and burdens  所有願望和重擔 

How was I supposed to learn to let it go  要如何才能學著放手 

All the things my pride wouldn't do  驕傲自尊所不容的一切 

And all the days we've been through  還有我們一起共度的時光 

None of it matters  似乎全都不再重要 

It's over now  因為一切都結束了 


Held by superstitions  被盲目信仰支配著

I tried clinging to your soul  我試圖緊靠住你的靈魂 

But only letting go can bring back  卻只有放手才能挽回一切 

What's missing what's missing  是缺了什麼 就竟是缺了什麼 

What's missing what's missing you know  是缺了什麼 到底是缺了什麼 只有你知道 


There are no superstitions  不再有盲目信仰 

I hope that in time you'll know  但願你能及時明白 

And leave your troubles behind  然後拋卻所有煩惱 

Be free and just fly away  自由地翱翔 


da la~ 

Only letting go can bring back  只有放手才能挽回一切 

What's missing what's missing  是缺了什麼 究竟是缺了什麼 

What's missing what's missing you know  是缺了什麼 到底是缺了什麼 只有你知道 





Lee SeungEun-Superstitions 盲目信仰/이성은-Superstitions  影片來源:Youtube(Genie Music Corporation)


























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