



韓劇:和我老公結婚吧| *Kelley McRae-The Journey 旅程/내 남편과 결혼해줘:Kelley McRae-Journey

詞:Miriam  曲:Judah Earl 


The way The world I'm walking through  我所穿越這世間的路途

I know it well no joy or bliss just roles and quests  雖深諳於此 卻也明白其中沒有喜悅和祝福只有義務與需求 

Comfort me I'll be alright  只要給我一點撫慰 我便覺安然無虞

Through dark,uncolored forlorn days  渡過幽暗黑白的絕望時光

A solitude that drives me to the fate I dread  孤獨驅使我走向恐懼的命運 

I cannot see an inch ahead  完全無法看清眼前路 


But you,alone,came near  而你孤身前來 走近我


Dream of A journey to the shining door and at once  夢想著通往閃耀之門的旅程 

Open our wonder world  而你突然開啟了屬於我們的神奇世界 

Together I know that we can make it right  我知道只要我倆一起就能歸正一切 

We'll find the dawn beyond the night  我們將會發現黑夜之後的黎明 

In your light,I can see a brand new day  倚著你光芒 我就能看見全新的一天 

We can find a way  你我就能找到出路 


Sometimes I think about our lives  我偶爾會思考關於我們的生活 

The joy of dreaming,veiled by nights that I have spent  夢想的喜悅被我所耗費的黑夜籠罩

Lost out in the wilderness  迷失在無盡荒野 

Your light,I'd never known before  你的光芒 我從未知曉

The beauty that was brought to life,  而今來到我人生的美好

was born of you  皆是因你而生

I'd let you go but now I know  我願放手讓你走 但我已明白 


It's you,always,it's you  是你 一直都是你 


Dreram of A journey to the shining door and at once  夢想著通往閃耀之門的旅程 

Open our wonder world  而你突然開啟了屬於我們的神奇世界 

Together I know that we can make it right  我知道只要我倆一起就能歸正一切 

We'll find the dawn beyond the night  我們將會發現黑夜之後的黎明 

In your light,I can see a brand new day  倚著你光芒 我就能看見全新的一天


It's our moment,we have come so far  這是你我專屬的一刻 我們已走了這麼遠 

You are here  而今你在此

and you are shining bright as a star  閃亮如星


Dream of A journey to the shining door and at once  夢想著通往閃耀之門的旅程

Open our wonder world  而你突然開啟了屬於我們的神奇世界

Together I know that we can make it right  我知道只要我倆一起就能歸正一切

We'll find the dawn beyond the night  我們將會發現黑夜之後的黎明

In your light,I can see a brand new day  倚著你光芒 我就能看見全新的一天 

We can find a way  你我就能找到出路





 Kelley McRae-The Journey 旅程/Kelley McRae-Journey  影片來源:Youtube(YG PLUS)
























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