韓劇:與惡魔有約| *10CM-The Way To Lose You 失去你的方法/마이데몬:10CM-The Way To Lose You

詞/曲:李延 이연


Will I ever figure out  我是否終會明白 

How to face away from you  要如何別過頭背對著你 

Closing my eyes I turn slowly from you  只能閉上眼 慢慢轉身離去 


Would I ever figure out  我是否終會明白

How to stay away from you  要如何才能離開你

Can't keep your hands to me permanently  往後再也無法握住你雙手 


I'm still in love with you  但我還深愛著你 

Memories full of you  回憶裡滿滿都是你

Don't know how to lose you,it terrifies me too  不知道要怎麼失去你這件事也讓我覺得害怕 

Please just let me love you  就讓我繼續愛你吧 

For a while I promise to let go,eventually  我保證只要再過一陣子終會放手讓你走 

So don't you let me know way to lose you more  所以就別讓我知道更多失去你的方法吧 

Evermore  永遠永遠 


Stay a little while for me  再與我多待一會兒吧 

Not a smile with painful tears  別帶著痛苦淚水的微笑 

Can't let you go I'm still undecided  我仍無法決定是否要放手讓你走 


I'm still in love with you  我還深愛著你 

Memories full of you  回憶裡滿滿都是你 

Don't know how to lose you,it terrifies me too  不知道要怎麼失去你這件事也讓我覺得害怕 

Please just let me love you  就讓我繼續愛你吧 

For a while I promise to let go, eventually  我保證只要再過一陣子終會放手讓你走 

So don't you let me know the way to lose you more  所以就別讓我知道更多失去你的方法吧

Evermore  永遠永遠





10CM-The Way To Lose You 失去你的方法  影片來源:Youtube(Kakao Entertainment)























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